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Sweet Deep Grapefruit

Grapefruit was combined with Blueberry to create this relieving indica-dominant cannabis strain


About Sweet Deep Grapefruit

A primarily indica-dominant hybrid, Sweet Deep Grapefruit is the result of a cross between two fruity cannabis strains: Grapefruit and Blueberry.

Sweet Deep Grapefruit is a strain with an appealing flavor, as it combines flavors like grapefruit, pineapple, and blueberry together, although the scent of this hybrid is fairly skunky.

Cannabis patients are likely to enjoy Sweet Deep Grapefruit's soothing, mellow high, which relaxes those who use it without necessarily being completely sedative.

This strain's cone-shaped meadow green buds have a fluffy, irregular structure, and each one is accented with large patches of orange pistils and a dew of trichomes.