Cannabis 101
Cannabis education on growing and consuming from beginner to novice.
What Are Cannabis Terpenes?
Whether you use cannabis or its by-products or grow the plant, you should familiarize yourself with what terpenes are
How To Choose The Right Cannabis Strain
The first time walking into a dispensary can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to cannabis.
Difference Between Male and Female Cannabis Plants
When it comes to growing cannabis, knowing the difference between male and female plants is a critical skill to have.
Differences Between Sativa and Indica Cannabis Strains
The two main categories of cannabis strains are labeled as indica or sativa. Let's look at the differences between them.
When and Why Did Cannabis Become Illegal?
Understanding why cannabis became illegal requires knowing a bit about its history of use over the years.
Cannabis Grow Licenses State By State – In the United States
The definitive guide to cannabis grow licenses in the US and the laws surrounding them.
Are Cannabis Seeds Legal to Possess in the U.S.?
The short answer is that it's highly dependent upon exactly where in the U.S. you're located.
Where Did Cannabis Originate?
Find out the entire history of cannabis from discovery, to banishment, to legalization.